Wednesday 29 October 2014

Chapter 3: Attention Gatherer -- Encourages Curiosity (Partial)

We have often underestimate the power of human senses towards social community, perhaps it was taken too personally that we consciously neglects it's influence to the people or things, and even spaces other than ourselves. Despite the external factors that happens to be influential, one's senses and feelings are the fundamental elements of cause to almost everything in the study of sociology. [Establish the statement] 

Inevitably, the key issues to be tackle by the planner of the city, whether of architects or designers, is to be empathetic towards people. It is crucial for the planners to understand and be involve, in the living circle of the users whom they are designing for, to ensure the feasibility and adaptability of the people respecting the design. Introspecting from the idea of utopianism established by modern socialist in the 19 century, it was an idea to bring forward the community at the time towards an desirable and perfect living in the future, but it failed miserably. [Include images and evidence of the failure of Utopia] The factor that leads to the failures are predominantly caused by the inability of the idea to possess the living of people at the time, rather than the structure of the planning itself. Even a few century after as we are now, futurism and open-minded, people are never be able to detached from the originality, abandon the root of living and caused.

History, as important as it seems for a person, are even more significance for a city, it carries identities and stories, bridge between the past and the future. People would be curious about the provenance of a city as how we question our origins, as it opens up a platform for understanding of a person or place without hindrance. Undoubtedly, architecture has an essential obligation in this aspect. The heritage city in Malaysia would be a notable example of such statement. George Town, Penang and Malacca, awarded as UNESCO world heritage site few years back, has strive to preserve it's architectural and cultural heritage, the strong identity and nostalgic elements became an attraction that draws people towards the city. The sense of belonging, feeling of honorableness express by the citizens, the historical meaning and the depth of the city has encourage the sense of curiosity of people to want to find out more, the ability to still people, has make the city glow. [Include images and studies on George Town/ Malacca]


Human body are made up of senses, it was the sense of feelings which triggered through our stimuli that allows us to perceive and create memories. It wasn't the sun but the warmth that made us feel, it wasn't the light but the hope that excites us, it wasn't the breeze but the chill that comfort us, we favor a thing, a person or a place upon the experience that made us feel. 

Monday 27 October 2014

Would you spare some love to help? :D

Hi all, I'm currently doing a study on the topic below for my final dissertation. I would like a favor from you guys to spend a few minutes filling in the survey by clicking the link below. Your help is very much appreciated! Thank You!

Social Behavioral Survey

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Social Behavioral Survey

1. What is your Gender?

2. What is your age?
 _Below 18 Years Old
 _19 – 25 Years Old
 _26 – 39 Years Old
 _40 – 55 Years Old
 _Above 55 Years Old 

3. Where do you currently live? (Please specify the area and state, eg. Petaling Jaya, Selangor)  _____________________

4. What is your Occupation?   _____________________

5. What is your approximate annual income?
 _Less than RM 12,000
 _RM 12,000 – RM 24,000
 _RM 24,000 – RM 36,000
 _RM 36,000 – RM 48,000
 _RM 48,000 Above

Part 1  

1. Have you volunteer to perform any kind act/ helping a stranger before in public?

2. Have you receive any kind act/ help from a stranger before in public?

3. How likely do you think you will be involve in helping a stranger in individual? (eg. showing directions, given up a seat etc.)
_Extremely Unlikely
_Extremely likely

4. How likely do you think you will be involve in activities that benefits a group/ cause? (eg. orphanage, old folks home, charity campaigns etc.)
_Extremely Unlikely
_Extremely likely

5. Have you join any community activity in your neighborhood before? 
(eg. Gotong-royong, festive celebration etc.)
 _No (please proceed to Question 5a)

5a. What is the reason that you haven't join any community activity in your neighborhood?
(you may choose more than 1 answer)
_There is no activity happening throughout the year
_It doesn't interest me
_I don't know my neighbors
_I can't get along my neighbors
_I have no time
_It is a waste of my time
_Others ____________

6. How strong is the sense of community in the neighborhood you're living in?
 _Extremely strong
 _Extremely weak

7. Are you comfortable in changing environment?
 _Yes (please proceed to Question 7a) 
 _No (please proceed to Question 7b)

7a.  Why do you say so? (you may choose more than 1 answer)
_I can adapt well in new environment
_I'm excited to meet new people
_I anticipate different ways of living

7b.  Why do you say so? (you may choose more than 1 answer)
_I can't adapt well in new environment
_I have no sense of belonging in new place
_I'm too shy to meet new people
_I'm comfortable with my current living style

8. When you’re in public, you tend to _______________
(Tick whichever appropriate, you may choose more than 1 answer)
 _Be extra sensitive
 _Heighten the sense of security
 _Smile and be friendly
 _Avoid eye contact
 _Ready to open up conversation with stranger
 _Avoid crowds
 _Anticipate to meet new people

9. Do you always feel that you are watched and judged by the public?

10. If there is two ways that leads to the place you want to go, which would you choose to walk?
 _street with more people (please proceed to question 9a)
 _street with less people

10a. Why do you prefer street with more people? (you may choose more than 1 answer)
_It feels safer to walk on a more happening street
_I love seeing interaction among people
_It is more interesting and less dull
_I would like to follow the majority

11. When you are in public, you often feel _______________
(Tick whichever appropriate, you may choose more than 1 answer)

Part 2

1. Do you agree that your community area is a good place to live?
_Yes (please proceed to question 1a)
_No (please proceed to question 1b)

1a. Why do you say so? (you may choose more than 1 answer)
_High security, gated with security guardians and systems installed
_Minimal crimes happening around the area
_Good amenities & facilities provision
_Convenience in getting to malls, stores and commercial areas
_Good cultural habit
_Healthy lifestyle 
_Community and neighbors gets along

1b. Why do you say so? (you may choose more than 1 answer)
_Low security
_High crime rates around the area
_Lack amenities & facilities provision
_Inconvenience in getting to malls, stores and commercial areas
_Bad cultural habit
_Unhealthy lifestyle
_Community and neighbors doesn't gets along

2. Does gated community/ physical wall boundary of your residential area provide a higher sense of security to you?

3. Where do you normally carry out physical exercise?
 _Public (eg. around the neighborhood, recreation parks etc.)
 _Private spaces (eg. home, gym, private classes etc.)
 _I don’t exercise

4. Do you enjoy visiting public parks?
 _No (please proceed to question 4a)

4a. Why do you say so? (you may choose more than 1 answer)
 _It is not safe
 _There is too many people
 _It is very dull and uninteresting
 _The facilities are often vandalized
 _It is too dirty
 _I don't enjoy being in public

5. How often do you use public transportation?
 _Every time I need to get somewhere
 _Once in a while
 _When I am out of option (please proceed to question 5a)
 _Never (please proceed to question 5a)

5a. Why do you avoid using public transportation?
 _It is not safe
 _There is too many people
 _The facilities are not well-maintained
 _It is too dirty
 _I don't enjoy being with strangers

6. How often do you walk instead of driving to a definite place, say, within approximately 500m distance?
 _All the time
 _Once in a while
 _Never (please proceed to question 6a)

6a. Why do you prefer driving over walking? (you may choose more than 1 answer)
 _It is more convenient
 _It is safer to drive
 _It is faster to get to the destination
 _The weather is awful
 _I don't enjoy walking in public

7. If there is two ways that leads to your target destination, which would you choose to walk?
 _wide and open sidewalk
 _narrow sidewalk

8. If you are in a place that is known for the happening of crime, while you need to cross the road, you would
 _use the pedestrian bridge
 _run across the main traffic

9. If you were to rate the safety of the city you’re living in now, what would it be?
 _Extremely safe
 _Extremely unsafe

10. Do you think that architecture has been classified to adapt different social classes?

11. Please arrange in numeric sequence according to favoritism of the following spaces (1-most favorable, 5-least favorable)
 _well-maintained clean street with vegetation (comfortability)
 _covered and air-conditioned pathway (climate)
 _street with many peoples (livelihood)
 _beautiful buildings and interesting stores along the street (attraction)
 _nearest and most convenient sidewalk to destination (accessibility

Chapter 2: How to Relieve People? -- Elimination of Uncertainty and Fear (Partial)

Believing that those who lives in the city could not be any less familiar with concrete walls, steel structures or fences surrounding every parts of the streets, divides away areas, sets boundaries, creates back alley and forming dark passages. Uncountable architecture and planning of this century are designed upon fear, in order to fulfill human desperation of protection and security. Community in certain places are even accustomed to having security system such as CCTV and alarm installed to feel protected. But truth to be told, we have neither equipped as well as the other technology-driven country does, especially in public spaces that does not belong to any entity, nor armed with strict social security force to ensure public safety at all times. 

City build walls, installs systems, classify zones, tending to provide security to the people, but not entirely successful. Unfortunately, it has instead waken the sense of self-protection of people, being aware to be cautious and attentive being in public spaces, leading to an expansion of uncertainty and tension among community. One of the main factor that generate fear would be the rising numbers of crime around us, that we are uncertain of the possibilities in becoming the victim of the next criminal case. We became skeptical towards strangers, while ourselves are strangers to others, doubtful of the space and surrounding, question the ability of it to protect us. 

American psychologist B.F.Skinner stated that, people's behavior is shaped by the impact given by an environment, that the consequences of an action were more important in shaping behavior than any stimulus that has coincide with it. Thus, the repeatedly happening of crimes that leads to negative consequences has planted a negative-reinforcement to the society, encouraging the user to distrust and shun from others, avoid certain places and became ignorance towards the community within. Over time the neighborhood will fall into decay, no matter how good is the geographical value of the place, insecurity pushes people away.

The very first step to prevent social isolation, is to draw people together in sharing a space, an activity, makes it possible to open up conversation and interaction. Security, as stated in Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, range as second basic needs of being despite physiological necessity such as food and water. But who could keep a place safe? One might be doubtful to depend solely on the police or law enforcement, but we should not be surprise that ourselves, as the users of these spaces, are responsible and capable of ensuring of it's safety. 

People are the eyes of the street, and community are able to form a network of civilization enforcement within a neighborhood, by constantly using space, ensuring of it's livelihood and be involve in the happenings around. (The Death and Life of Great American Cities, 1961) We can't agree more that there is no better control than building network of trust among people, could keep people feeling secure.

By implementing the same ideology of B.F.Skinner, he quoted that " the idea of behaviorism is to eliminate coercion, to apply controls by changing the environment." Architectural planning that causes alienation should no longer be promoted.


Psychologist Kenneth B. Clark has found out that racial segregation happens to children, that they are taught to form prejudice and racially aware at the age of 3. All of city with diverse racial community happens to encounter with similar issue, we are told to internalize racial attitudes since we are young. But it was not the only influence that causes social separation, we have also comes to encountering social hierarchy classification and social inequality. For instance, the classification of horizontal and vertical social structure has caused an individual to caged between a comparative environment, whether that he is born to be certain social class, or to be classify later of his community based upon capability. 

While society has caused segregation, architecture marks a critical role as a medium in empowering the separation, urging people to maintain within their own social circle, triggering an individual's inferiority towards people or places of a different class. 

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Introduction/ Abstract

Have you been drown into the scene of people walking within the city everyday, having a specific destination, to meet up with certain target or people, so concentrated that they have forgotten they have walk through buildings, passed through people, but loosing the ability to admire everything that surrounds them, experience whatever that could happen, and whoever whom they might meet by chances? 

People in the city has known to be living with a fast paced lifestyle, concrete structures and high technologies development are being set as the background of a city, following by a series of behavioral bench mark representation. In the mean of these symbolism, we could prejudge that our society has successfully grown in terms of developments diversity and technologies, but rather pessimistic in terms of social behavioral and community interactions. Have we communicate less? Are we being passive in interacting with others in public? Are people in today's society more self-centered? In the end, what is the future of the development if the non-living (architecture technology) is being fast-growing, but the beauty of the relationship among people varnishes?

In this dissertation, I am presuming that architecture could be a social catalyst, as a positive force in ameliorating human relationship in a long run. Architecture has made up a big part of our lives, whether of the space, planning of town, or the environment, we don’t live any moment without being in the world of architecture. It is a force to control human behavior, with appropriate planning it formulate users to perform in a definite way, consciously or unconsciously. Believing it could then also be able to eliminate the negative performances such as crimes, strangeness and pressure, if not for a personal gain, encourages conversations, interactions and positivity in the contemporary society. We made space, and then space made us. By any means, architecture could possibly be the remedy to the issues, providing us a more genial social community in the future.

During the research study, I will be able to study and understand the positive and negative influence stimulated by contemporary architecture and public spaces towards human behavior and to investigate whether the root of urban social issues is induced by mis-conceptual of architectural planning. At the end of the dissertation, I will then be able to find out method and solutions towards the issues, if exist, in terms of architecture, to ease and resolves the critical relationship among the current social community and to examine the role of public architecture as a catalyst, in strengthening the bond of human relationship as a community.

The research study will be carried out in two phases, first of all, understanding the relationship between people and architecture, to determine the core of social issues -- mentality, behavior and practice of people living in the city, and following with architectural approach, study and determine solutions to encounter the issues, in order to eliminate the negative social practices -- that limits interactions, and promote the importance of social ties among people in the city.